A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue
P.O. Box 211924
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 -1924
(561) 333-1100
Needs Foster   |  Recent Arrivals   |  Cats: 15   |  Dogs: 48

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Animal Success Stories

As an all volunteer foster-based rescue group, successful adoption stories are the only compensation we seek!  Our Foster Caretakers, who spend weeks or months loving the animals in their care, always want to know how their “babies” are doing once they have found their forever homes.  We hope that the adoption of a pet is not the end of a process but the beginning of a relationship between A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue and our adoptive families.  If you’ve adopted a dog or cat from us, please share your story!  Success Stories and pictures can be sent to adoptions@asecondchancerescue.org.

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A note of thanks for your and all involved in facilitating Jack's (formerly Jacque) adoption. From start to finish the process was thorough, thoughtful and everyone most helpful. Jack is a very sweet and well behaved puppy. He's settling in nicely and has made himself at home. He's bright and well behaved. He slept peacefully through the night on his special blanket without a whimper. (He did try really hard to convince us to allow him to sleep with us.) He seems to have a best friend in my partner, providing loving kisses and snuggling up with him. I'm happy to take on the role of nurturer. A special thanks to his foster parents, as Jack is housebroken, He lets me know when he needs to go out, walks well on a leash and only had one accident in the house. He even knows a few commands. Pretty wonderful for a young puppy. While Jack's had a rough start in life he's certainly been well cared for by Second Chance. We look forward to sharing our lives with Jack. Thank you again for affording us this wonderful blessing, known as Jack. Best Regards, Jennifer


Jorge is an absolute sweetheart. He loves everyone and is a really well-trained dog.

We are lucky to have found him - thank you Lisa for letting me know he was available for adoption.



June 2013..My name is Kelly. I adopted a puppy from you in Oct 2010 from the Wellington Petsmart. She was listed as a cattle dog mix, she was about 8 weeks old when I adopted her and she had about 6 litter mates, her name was Jewel. I know you said there was a way to find out where her litter mates were, if maybe some stayed locally. I was just curious, since we love Emma so much, I was just wondering how her litter mates turned out. If there is any information you are able to give me that would be great. I know you are limited on what info you can share. Emma is awesome, and currently in agility training through OTCPBC. She lives with 2 Chihuahuas and 2 cats. We are so glad we stopped and snuggled her that day in Petsmart! Jewel is doing great. Her new name is Emma. I've been wanting to stop into Petsmart on the weekend so you can see her, however the timing hasn't worked out. It is an adjustment period for our other pets, but I think everyone is doing good with our new addition. She definately has a lot of energy, so we go for lots of walks and roller-blading. I will send you some pictures from Halloween when I get a chance. Thank you for the email and for Emma. Kelly VanMill


On June 15, 2012, we adopted Jake, now named Forrest.

He is absolutely amazing, smart, and extremely playful.

We are so happy to have him in our lives!

Thank you!

Austin and Ayla 



I thought you would like to see Jackye at home and happy with us. We really love her and she seems to love us too. Gorgy, our other dog is starting to feel more comfortable with her here and I am sure they will become good friends soon.

She comes when I call her and sits patiently while I put on her lead. She loves our walks, as do I. She is such fun to walk with and cuddles up with us on our bed at night.

I hope all is well with you and thank you for giving us Jackye.



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All images and content Copyright 2015, A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue, Inc.