A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue
P.O. Box 211924
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 -1924
(561) 333-1100
Needs Foster   |  Recent Arrivals   |  Cats: 13   |  Dogs: 52

  Search Successes
Animal Success Stories

As an all volunteer foster-based rescue group, successful adoption stories are the only compensation we seek!  Our Foster Caretakers, who spend weeks or months loving the animals in their care, always want to know how their “babies” are doing once they have found their forever homes.  We hope that the adoption of a pet is not the end of a process but the beginning of a relationship between A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue and our adoptive families.  If you’ve adopted a dog or cat from us, please share your story!  Success Stories and pictures can be sent to adoptions@asecondchancerescue.org.

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Hi! Jasper is fabulous. We named him Frapp because he looks like a Frappucino. He's teething a lot but is smart and learning to house train. He is enjoying our 3 kids and 2 other dogs. Best, Holly


Jangle, who is now affectionately named Gatsby, has been a wonderful addition to my life and a joy to have. He is playful, loving and cuddly. I'm proud and happy to have rescued a cat. Meow!! Thanks! Marla Mayster


Jambalaya is doing great! She is such a good dog and we love her so much. She loves our daughter brooke and follows her everywhere. She waits for her to get home from school everyday and when she gets home Jumbalaya (whos name is now Elbie) runs up to her and smiles!!!!! She actually lifts her lips and smiles showing all her teethe! It is adorable. I am attaching some pics of them. Thank You for helping us to find the most perfect dog! Sheri Medina


Hello, and Thank you for inquiring about Jingle! We renamed him Mamba, and he has adjusted seamlessly to his new enviroment. The family is in absolute Love...and we think he kinda likes us too! He plays so well with our two children, and is a lover of anyone with a lap! I had forgotten how full my heart can be when a purring kitty is in my arms. Thank you for allowing him to be in our lives...we hope he will be happy with us for many, many years to come. Sincerely, Melanie Duplaga


Sorry for the late response... Let me say it's great to see the follow up with the adoptions! Jokester's new name is Chief, he has two brothers that are Beagles and with some time and patience they have finally accepted him or just gave up and realized he's not leaving..HA HA Chief has been a great addition to our family, our daughters like to run and Chief has become apart of that, he is up to 3 miles now and he finishes with plenty of fuel in his tank. Chief has been one of the easiest dogs to train and does very well with all the small children that live close to us that come over to play with him. His favorite toy is a plastic bone and he really loves to swim. I will send pictures soon. Happy Holiday's Jeff

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All images and content Copyright 2015, A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue, Inc.