A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue
P.O. Box 211924
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 -1924
(561) 333-1100
Needs Foster   |  Recent Arrivals   |  Cats: 15   |  Dogs: 48

  Search Successes
Animal Success Stories

As an all volunteer foster-based rescue group, successful adoption stories are the only compensation we seek!  Our Foster Caretakers, who spend weeks or months loving the animals in their care, always want to know how their “babies” are doing once they have found their forever homes.  We hope that the adoption of a pet is not the end of a process but the beginning of a relationship between A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue and our adoptive families.  If you’ve adopted a dog or cat from us, please share your story!  Success Stories and pictures can be sent to adoptions@asecondchancerescue.org.

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Barclay (fka Randy) is living a fantastic life. He loves his older brothers and sisters (dogs and cats), spends his days climbing, playing with toys and lounging in sun rays. He enjoys early morning naps on your lap and chirps as he chases any fly that finds it's way in the house. Barclay is loved.



I am HAPPY to report that Rainbow, who is now Cali Rainbow Soto, is a beautiful and well behaved addition to our family.

She has brought so much joy to our family and seems to be happy with all of the attention that she receives from us. 

We love and adore her so much and we THANK GOD that we found her and that she is part of our family. 

Here is a picture I took of her this morning.

Our beautiful Cali!




I came across an article yesterday and it put me in mind of you and what amazing things you do to save so many dogs!!

I’ve also been meaning to send you an update on Rocco.  I just can’t believe it’s been over a year!! 

Rocco is doing so great!!!  He’s fit in perfectly - it’s like he’s been a part of our family forever!  It’s a toss-up on who’s helped who more.  He’s helped me heal from losing my Tubby (aka-Buster) and I think we’ve helped him realize he’s home for good and we LOVE him for the rest of his days with us!! 

He’s been a God send for me and I love him beyond words (I believe there’s some of my Tubby in him). 

We just had a check-up at the vet and the she said other than shedding a few pounds he’s a very happy and healthy young man!!!  I asked her how she knew he was happy and she said the big smile on his face tells all!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart (and ours as a family) for Rocco and for everything you do for dogs that need help finding their “Forever Homes”

I hope you enjoy his pictures-he’s so handsome!!


Roxanne (Roxy)


Just wanted to share some cute pictures of Roxanne, now named Tory Grace!




Reggie is soooo wonderful. He is super loved!!!  He has completed our family.


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All images and content Copyright 2015, A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue, Inc.