A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue
P.O. Box 211924
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 -1924
(561) 333-1100
Needs Foster   |  Recent Arrivals   |  Cats: 15   |  Dogs: 48

  Search Successes
Animal Success Stories

As an all volunteer foster-based rescue group, successful adoption stories are the only compensation we seek!  Our Foster Caretakers, who spend weeks or months loving the animals in their care, always want to know how their “babies” are doing once they have found their forever homes.  We hope that the adoption of a pet is not the end of a process but the beginning of a relationship between A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue and our adoptive families.  If you’ve adopted a dog or cat from us, please share your story!  Success Stories and pictures can be sent to adoptions@asecondchancerescue.org.

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Smudge at the beach


Our sweet, mischievous Vinny (formerly Spunky) is now all grown up.  He's a year and a half old, weighs just over 9 pounds, and the vet says he has perfect teeth.  He loves watching birds on the feeders from our screened in porch, enjoys chasing our 14 and a half year old cat, Zoe, all over the house and has become a great studio buddy...he watches me paint for hours!

He is a comedian, a very definite personality...part sweetie pie and part wild boy.

We love Vinny!



Hi, my name is Asher (f/k/a Striker). I am a super sweet little Yorkie boy who made my foster mom, Marissa, swoon. I used all my charming ways and they worked because she became a foster failure and adopted me!!

I am so very happy in my new home! I was a breeder dog and spent 7 years of my life as such. When I met Marissa and my “brother,” Tito, I didn’t know how to walk on a leash, go up or down stairs, what a toy was, or even how to be held without going stiff. Boy have I come a loooong way!

I love going on long walks and I race my silky brother, Tito, up and down the stairs. My favorite is being held by my mommy and curling up on her soft bed is a close second! I’ve already gained some weight and am on my way to being a very healthy boy…and I am already so happy!

Thank you A Second Chance and mommy, Marissa.

Wuff love,



Lacey, formerly known as Sadie, is adjusting very well. Loves her walks, loves to eat and loves to play with her toys. She is a very loving dog and has made a lot of friends in my dog friendly community.

My dog recently passed away and I did not think I would be able to fall in love with another dog so fast.  But, it was easy with Lacey . I adore her and we have definitely bonded.  She now has a forever home.

Thank you for bringing Lacey into my life. I am looking forward to volunteering to help find a forever home for other dogs and cats who need a good home.



Here is a picture of Sissy that was taken today. She is doing good. Sissy did good at her meet and greet with the vet. We are all adjusting.
Thanks for bringing Sissy into our home.

Have a great day,


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All images and content Copyright 2015, A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue, Inc.