A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue
P.O. Box 211924
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 -1924
(561) 333-1100
Needs Foster   |  Recent Arrivals   |  Cats: 13   |  Dogs: 52

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Animal Success Stories

As an all volunteer foster-based rescue group, successful adoption stories are the only compensation we seek!  Our Foster Caretakers, who spend weeks or months loving the animals in their care, always want to know how their “babies” are doing once they have found their forever homes.  We hope that the adoption of a pet is not the end of a process but the beginning of a relationship between A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue and our adoptive families.  If you’ve adopted a dog or cat from us, please share your story!  Success Stories and pictures can be sent to adoptions@asecondchancerescue.org.

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We have now had Kody (formerly Kodiak) and Shadow (formerly Jelly) for 5 months and wanted to send our heartfelt thanks to you for bringing them into our lives. Two of the pictures were taken the day we brought them home. The others are of them taken in the last week. As is obvious just from the pictures, Kody is quite the character. Shadow is much more mellow. Together, they have a ball every day and compliment each other. They love going to the dog park at Lake Ida and since we started taking them in the evening after dinner, they expect to go every evening and express their expectation quite vocally. There is no peace until we get ready and take them. “It’s raining” means nothing to them and unless it’s pouring, we go.

They also went to the Jupiter Dog Beach and we will be going back again. They were hesitant about the waves, but showed an interest in getting in and playing around. Kody keeps us amused constantly, but I’m grateful Shadow isn’t as mischevous. As you can see from the one picture of Kody on top of Shadow’s crate, he has no fear. Every time we rearrange furniture to keep him from climbing up on it, he finds another piece to get up on. Kody figured out how to climb up on the crate by climbing over the back of the chair and only does it to send Shadow into a frenzy because he can’t get to him. Kody is also very curious and watches everything we do, especially in the kitchen. Shadow is very laid back, is such a sweetheart and he’s a real tail wagger and licker.

Kody evidently has a delicate digestive system and Dr. Fox at River Bridge has helped us get him on a diet that seems to be working. Shadow was stung in the face and within minutes his whole face swelled up and by the time he got to the Vet he looked like a manatee. Shots and oral medication fixed him right up.

Can’t imagine what we were doing before we adopted them, but we are so grateful and happy that we have them. Though not from the same litter, they couldn’t be closer “brothers” if they had been. I believe Shadow could handle himself if he needed to, but we notice Kody intervenes in the dog park whenever a larger dog comes around him by placing himself between Shadow and the larger dog (tonight it was a Rottweiler). No fighting, just protective. They love playing and running with the other big dogs but they have a special love for the small dogs in the connecting park and lay down when they approach them to be more at their level.

Again, Thank You for bringing us all together and the wonderful work you do for the dogs. We have met a couple of other Second Chance dogs at the dog park and always sing the praises of the organization to anyone that might be interested in adopting a kitten or puppy.

Linda and Bob



Firstly, I must correct the name for your files. Her name is Chloe now. I have been in touch with Lisa as well as sent photos of Chloe and she is adjusting wonderfully.




Hi There, Missy (short for Artemis, formerly Kimber) and Apollo (formerly Barclay) are doing great. We had our vet check them out from nose to tail and all is well. They are healthy and happy. We've lost a few shoes and one phone to chewing but we've made huge strides in potty training and our classes at Petsmart. They have made some friends in class and they seem to look forward to the visits. They are enjoying running in the backyard and lots o' belly rubs. I can't say they have made friends with the cats in the house but we seem to have developed a system, cats upstairs and puppies downstairs. We are hoping everyone can comingle after potty training is over, if not sooner. Today we had a play date at Craig's parents house. They have three larger dogs and the puppies had a wonderful time running, chasing the dogs and tennis balls and even an assisted dip in the pool.


Hello, We have renamed kurt to lucky. He is doing good and adjusting well. He definitely has grown alot. I have attached a photo. I have been taking him to river bridge hospital with dr. fox for his shots and check ups. I have also signed him up for training classes at petsmart. He starts on monday. Hopefully it will help to socialize him to other dogs because he seems to get frightened and hides behind me when we go near other dogs in they pet store and also hopefully it we help me to train him not to jump up to get food off the kitchen table because he is getting bigger and can almost reach the top of the table. So we will see how he does on monday. We have taught him to sit, lay down, and give me paw. And he is doing well with going to the potty. He only had a couple of accidents and now knows where his potty mat is in the house or to go outside. Thanks for the email and it was good to hear from you.



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All images and content Copyright 2015, A Second Chance Puppies and Kittens Rescue, Inc.